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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Chapter 2: Are We There Yet?

I have to say, all this pandemic crap is getting old. They want us to stay home, and do what? Spectrum’s channels have been blank for a month, and most shows haven’t aired new episodes in just as long. Although, a new episode of Nancy Drew did record on Wednesday. But that’s the first one in forever. I’ve tried contacting Spectrum via chat to find out what’s up and point out the fact that if we’re not receiving the service we’re paying for, there’s no point in us paying. I waited on hold for two hours the first night, and for three hours the next. I never did get through, but I did get down to 88 bottles of beer on the wall, typing it out line by line. I gave up after that, haven’t tried again since. I’m afraid to try calling, who knows how long I’d be on hold there and I just don’t have time for that BS.

Waited for another hour after this point.

              I stayed up so late that night trying to get through to Spectrum that I was essentially a zombie the next day. We had to make a trip to Walmart for some supplies to rescue poor Jack’s last remaining fish from suffering the same tragic fate as the other two. He meant well, but didn’t realize the dire consequences of overfeeding fish. But hey, he’s six, what do you expect? Also, Megan needed new shoes because wouldn’t you know it, her feet decided to grow for the first time in two years. Anyway, we got in, got our stuff, and got out, somehow without losing Jack. He seemed to want to take this social distancing stuff to a whole new level; lagged behind the whole time. We finally made it back out to the van. I buckled the baby in the back, put the stroller in the trunk, and got in the passenger seat (Steven was driving). I flailed around for my seatbelt, but to no avail. Finally, I looked behind me and realized I had buckled Ronan’s car seat in using my seatbelt. Doh.
              It would have been so much easier if Steven could have gone to the store himself the night before, during hours when nobody would normally be out shopping anyway. But these stores don’t seem to understand the concept of social distancing and would rather limit the hours people can shop so that everyone has to go at the same time and create larger crowds of people all at once, essentially rendering social distancing impossible. Whatever, I guess. Long story short, it’s all getting old very quickly and I’m ready to be done with it.

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